Atomic Fiber Studio

Fiber dyer & wool artisan...A wool wonderland, from batts to hats!

Awesome color, luxurious wool & fibers. We are here to inspire you!


Contains many things! All that yarn, and then some.

Aspirations, right? What motivates you? For me it's yarns that's just damn gorgeous.

Stash. It happens. Once I knew someone, who had so much yarn, it was almost a yarn store. She was so addicted, that it became about the yarn, not actual making. Which, I am assuming is the fine line we all walk? My hoard is small, compared to others. I took it out of a old armoire recently, where it was tucked this way and that. Baskets overflowing! There was so much more, in there than I had realized. I sorted, I organized. Gasp....I purged. I donated. OMG!!

So now, there's a system, of sorts. I always plan on being organized somehow, and getting it right for once. Yarn literally becomes a metaphor for life. Like, what's your idea of fun? Mine is discovering an amazing pattern on Ravelry- like Hedgehog Fibres Outline. Yeah!! And realizing with a happy dance, that I have all the yarn to make it. Then, not making it. LOL it's queued, right? 

That's my fun, compared to maybe, kayaking or jumping off a bridge into the river. I'm a quiet, thrill seeker. Finding joy in the smaller, less bold things. You know, like when your cat scratches Fred Flinstone-like madly at the fish tank glass. That was the biggest laugh of the weekend-forever remembered as the most silly funniest thing ever. Yarn. It's a good thing! I plan to never hide skeins under the bed. I'm sticking to my system. No more stuffing it willy-nilly into a cabinet without a plan. I will get to that Outline pattern, maybe sometime right when Spring rolls around ;)

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